

Adoption of the new organization chart of the "Office des Changes"

Engaged in a new institutional and organizational dynamic, the "Office des Changes" adopted on January 3, 2018 a new organization of its structures.

That is how it proceeded to a reconfiguration and reformulation work of the organization. This update, placed under the sign of continuity, was focused on modernity and efficiency and aims to correct the identified weaknesses and meet the expectations of users while preserving and consolidating many achievements.

Dictated by the obligation of performance and the imperative to cope with the changes experienced by both the national and international environment, the adoption of the new organization chart of the "Office des Changes" represents a step toward modernization and improvement of the quality of its services.

The new organization advocates a balanced distribution of structures where each department has divisions and services.

Composed of 7 departments instead of 9 previously, the new organization chart provides a coherent framework, fostering synergy between all the structures of the "Office des Changes" and ensuring more efficiency in the exercise of control and more speed in the processing of users’ files.

In order to increase the efficiency and performance, the new organization chart, adopting the value chain approach, merged paper-based control and on-the-spot control.

The management of the relations with the users takes an important place in the new organization chart since a special division was dedicated to this particular relationship. This new structure is the dedicated contact of users. It also takes over the first stage of their request’s processing.

For the first time in the history of the "Office des Changes", the new organization chart has incorporated the risk management dimension allowing the organization to acquire necessary tools, a policy and an effective program of risk management.

In order to achieve the vision that led to the redesign of its organizational chart, the "Office des Changes" will make a fundamental change in its procedures, approaches and methods in terms of management and governance. These approaches will have to adapt to the objectives and requirements of this new organizational device.