
Office des Changes About us Governance


Good governing: a fundamental concern at the heart of our strategy

The "Office des Changes" has made significant progress in improving governance and transparency. These improvements reflect the dynamics of change and the reform initiated in recent years by the "Office des Changes" in order to optimize the way it operates, to meet the requirements for the modernization of public institutions and to promote the principles of good governance.

It is part of a continuous dynamic of compliance with the main standards of good governance.

Our determination to build a culture of good governance has resulted in the adoption of the new organization, the introduction of the principle of collegiality in decision-making, the development of procedures that focuses on transparency and visibility, the drafting of laws regarding the "Office des Changes" and exchange operations as well as the establishment of an audit and dashboards program.

In the absence of a Board of Directors, the governing bodies of the "Office des Changes", which guarantee its good governance, are as follows:

  • The Minister of Economy and Finance;
  • The Audit Committee ;
  • The Director;
  • The Management Committee;
  • The Specialized Committees.

As part of the reinforcement of governance and in the light of proceeding to follow-up supervision, the "Office des Changes" has set up an Audit Committee, pursuant to the decision of the Minister of the Economy and Finance. The main role of this Committee is to assess the internal control and risk management systems of the "Office des Changes" by ensuring the production of accounting and financial information under the best conditions.

This Committee is made up of two members representing the Directorate of Public Enterprises and Privatization (one of whom is the chairman of the committee) and one member representing the Directorate of the Treasury and External Finance.

The "Office des Changes" has established the principle of collegiality in decision-making. Through regular meetings within the various internal committees, decisions are made in a collegial spirit and the collaboration between the different structures is valued.

The Management Committee

The current organization of the Internal Committees of the "Office des Changes" gives a strategic role of the Management Committee. Chaired by the Director of the Exchange Office and composed of the Secretary General, the Task Officer and the Heads of Department, the Management Committee regularly meets to monitor the activities of the Departments, to share information and to acknowledge the decisions taken by the different Internal Committees.

In addition to the Management Committee, the "Office des Changes" has Specialized Internal Bodies: Audit Committee, Change Management Committee, Regulatory Committee, Sanctions and Transactions, Human Resources Committee and Communication and External Relations Committee.

Meeting regularly, these Internal Committees are oriented towards a steering and monitoring role and allows coordinating the decisions of the "Office des Changes" in a concerted manner.

Change Management Committee

The main mission of the Change Management Committee is to manage and monitor strategic and cross-departments projects of the "Office des Changes".

Its prerogatives extend to the validation of the organization, the planning and approach of projects, the progress monitoring, the decision-making and technical validation of their receptions.

Regulatory, Sanctions and Transactions Committee

The Regulatory, Sanctions and Transactions Committee’s mission is to issue proposals and opinions regarding laws, decrees, orders, the General Instruction of Exchange Operations and guides.

This Committee also ensures the harmonization of the replies to requests for interpretation of the provisions of the exchange regulations.

It also ensures the examination of files handled by the entity in charge of the inspection and which has been subject to dispute or a request for a downward review and the issuance of a decision regarding the definitive infringement and the final amount of the fine.

Human Resources Committee

The duties of the Human Resources Committee are to harmonize the HR policy of the "Office des Changes", to validate the training plan, to address the grievances of staff and to discuss internal mobility and issues related to compliance with internal regulations.

Communication and External Relations Committee

The Communication and External Relations Committee analyzes the national written and electronic press review and proposes communication actions following this analysis.

Its assignments also consists of validating the external communication media, ensuring internal communication, preparing the interventions of officials of the "Office des Changes", ensuring the coordination of its representations with partners as well as proposing and carrying out actions to raise awareness among authorized intermediaries and operators.

To access the organization chart, please click here. ( This content is only available in French )