
Office des Changes E-Services Mobile Application "OC CONNECT"

Mobile application "OC CONNECT"

The Office des Changes has just launched its mobile application "OC CONNECT", allowing you to remotely and securely consult the balance of your personal endowments in foreign currencies and view the history of currency purchase transactions carried out with exchange traders, through a reliable and integrated interface.

The personal endowments system brought to you by this mobile application allows you to follow in real time, the amount of foreign currencies to which you are still entitled, in accordance with the provisions of the foreign exchange regulations.

In addition, "OC CONNECT" offers you the possibility of accessing the additional tourist allocation system, submitting your complaints, accessing frequently asked questions as well as consulting the geolocation of exchange points located within the national territory.

To benefit from these features, simply download "OC CONNECT"  for free, available for Android and IOS, and connect to your session by entering your credentials.

This electronic solution has been developed to perfectly meet the users needs in terms of convenience and accessibility and consolidates the efforts of the Office des Changes in order to improve the service provided to its users.


  • IOS users, discover all the functionalities of your mobile application "OC CONNECT" via this QR code :


Code QR de l'application pour les utilisateurs IOS


  • Android users, discover all the functionalities of your mobile application "OC CONNECT" via this QR code :


Code QR de l'application pour les utilisateurs Android


You can view and download the simplified guide of the "OC CONNECT" application by clicking here.

The user guide for the "OC CONNECT" application can be downloaded by clicking here (available only in French)