
Office des Changes About us Note from the Director

Note from the Director

Since several years, the "Office des Changes" has been moving towards a modern administration motivated by performance and anxious to fulfill its public service mission perfectly.

Today, our main priority is to further consolidate the process of liberalization of exchange regulations that can contribute to the resilience of the Moroccan economy and its integration into the worldwide scale and allow economic operators to better confront international competition which is becoming increasingly difficult.

In his role of accompanist of the economic operator, his mission of producer of the statistics of the foreign exchanges is added. These statistics, compiled and disseminated by the "Office des Changes" according to a methodological reference system and international standards, constitute a real tool for decision-making support, testify to the situation of the national economy in terms of attractiveness and competitiveness and provide information on Morocco's economic and financial capacities towards the rest of the world.

Due to the dynamism of its teams, combined with the desire to offer a quality service to its users, the "OC" continues its modernization efforts through the implementation of innovative solutions for the dematerialization of procedures, the digitalisation of information and automation of exchanges with users.

Priding trust and transparency, the "Office des Changes" is mobilized to consolidate its achievements and gives itself all the capacity to achieve its strategic aspirations and respond to the various changes in its environment.

Responding to the requirements of performance and ergonomy, the website of the "Office des Changes" is an integrated information and services area allowing you to discover our profession, to follow our news and to benefit from a panoply personalized, efficient and innovative online services.

Our website, a strong link in our communication and promotional factor of our brand image, is made essentially to establish a relationship of trust between the administration and its users and serves as a vector of our communication..


Director of the Office des Changes