


  • 18 Jul

    The Interim Director of the Office des Changes, Mr. Driss BENCHIKH, participated, on Thursday July 18, 2024 at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, an exchange seminar with the Consuls General and Deputy Ambassadors newly appointed for the year 2024. 

    On this occasion, Mr. BENCHIKH reviewed the main regulatory provisions governing foreign exchange transactions. He also explained the modalities for implementing the voluntary regularization of assets and liquidity held abroad.

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  • 22 Apr

    Continuing its dynamic of exchange and sharing of experiences internationally, the Office des Changes receives, from April 22 to 29, 2024, a delegation from the Central Bank of Mauritania on a working and study visit to Morocco to inquire about Moroccan experience in the supervision of foreign exchange operations.

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  • 08 Feb

    The Director of the Office des Changes, Mr. Hassan BOULAKNADAL, was the guest of the National Federation of Trades in the Distribution of Consumer Products "TIJARA", on Thursday February 8, 2024, to present the new provisions of the exchange regulations.
    On this occasion, Mr. BOULAKNADAL reviewed the main measures introduced by the General Instruction for Foreign Exchange Transactions 2024. He also highlighted the exchange facilities and advantages granted to economic operators.

    During this event, the Director of the Office des Changes explained the modalities for implementing the Voluntary Regularization Operation of liquidities and assets held abroad.
    This meeting permitted to the Office des Changes to exchange views with economic operators on issues related to different aspects of the exchange law.



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