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Signing of a partnership agreement with the National Order of court bailiffs

A framework agreement was signed on June 20, 2022 between the Office des Changes and the National Order of Court Bailiffs (ONHJ).
This agreement, signed by the director of the Office des Changes, Mr BOLAKNADAL Hassan and the president of the National Order of Court Bailiffs, Mr MORJANE Farid, in the presence of the heads of the regional councils of the Order, as well as officials of the Foreign Exchange Office, constitutes a reference framework for the use of the services of Court Bailiffs in matters of notification, material observation and judicial enforcement.
The ratification of this agreement is part of the consolidation of good governance practices and the promotion of the performance of the Office des Changes, particularly in terms of its missions relating to supervision and litigation.
Thus, the Office des Changes aims to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in terms of notification procedures and post-judicial follow-ups.