

Round table

Participation of the Office des Changes in the virtual workshop organized by the IMF Statistics Department

From September 28 to October 1, 2020, the “Office des Changes” is participating in a virtual workshop on "External sector statistics during the COVID-19 pandemic". This workshop is organized under the patronage of the Statistics Department of the International Monetary Fund, it is aimed at executives and technical teams involved in compiling statistics for the external sector to share their respective experiences.

Intervention by the Secretary General in a report broadcast by Al Oula about the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the activity of exchange offices

The Secretary General of Office des Changes Mr. Driss BENCHIKH intervened during a report on the national chain AL Oula devoted to the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the activity of exchange offices. During his intervention, Mr. BENCHIKH reviewed the main measures taken by the Office des Changes to limit the impact of the current health crisis on exchange offices. The report was broadcast on the news of the chain AL Oula on July 2, 2020.

Participation of the Secretary General of the Office des Changes in the program les Experts broadcast on Atlantic radio

The Secretary General of the Office des Changes, Mr. Driss BENCHIKH was the guest of the show "The Experts", broadcast on the Atlantic radio, Thursday January 9, 2020 from 10:00 to 12:00.

This show  was devoted to the new provisions of the exchange regulations adopted at the beginning of 2020 and to the the voluntary regularization operation.