

Launch of SMART: the new platform of the Office des Changes

Pursuing its digitalization strategy and guided by its desire to improve its services and to facilitate administrative procedures, the Office des Changes has enriched and improved its tele-services and launchs the SMART : System of Management for Authorizations, Reportings and Traitements. 
The SMART platform dematerializes the formalities and procedures relating to the submission of authorization requests to the Office des Changes and allows economic operators to declare their foreign exchange transactions online.
The services of this new interface, which can be utilized through the electronic portal of the Office des Change, is intended for naturel or legal persons, either professionally or personally. It also provides a dedicated service for banks, which allows them to submit their requests for themself or on behalf of their clients.
In addition, the new system allows subscribers to the platform to access a declaration space where they can declare, remotely and securely, their commercial and financial transations with foreign countries.